Frequently asked questions.

What is the process to Restoring Leaves?

Irie Fronto tobacco leaves are of the highest quality and like all tobacco leaves, there are methods to keep them moist and fresh for weeks and months throughout your usage of them.

The following are out best methods to ensure they stay fresh.

  1. Keep the leaves stored in a cool place, such as, the refrigerator. Place tobacco leaves in a thick ziplock bag or in a jar.

  2. If your tobacco leaf happens to dry out, all is still good! Get some water, preferably distilled water (works the best) lay out your leaves and spray them lightly until damp. Cover them and let them sit and they will absorb the water and become lively again and ready to use.

  3. You can also use a clothing steamer, believe it or not. The steam will rehydrate the leaf back to its original state, in no time!

Are green and/or white spots on my tobacco mold? What do I do if I see this?

  • The Green spots on tobacco is something that naturally occurs in the curing process that causes the discoloration.

    The reason this happens is because there was not enough air flow going through to the leaves.  This can be because the leaf was folded in on itself, or because it was tucked in the middle of a batch of leaves that didn’t allow it enough airflow.  

  • The White spots on the leaves are also a natural sign that the leaf is mature.  This is a sign to farmers that it is time to pick the  leaves.  Some farmers pick it beforehand for purposes of esthetics.

  • Mold on the leaves is common and to be expected time to time depending on the duration it has been sitting and the amount of airflow that was allowed to get through to it.  This is a natural occurring process and the mold can simply be washed off the leaf, cut around, and/or discarded.

Is it normal to have bugs and/or dirt on my tobacco leaves?

Tobacco is an agrarian product, similar to all other natural products, vegetables, rice, seeds, and grains. Each leaf is distinctive, and a few will have discolorations, gaps, spots, soil on it, and other normally happening issues in a farm.  All of these things are common, and to be anticipated when working with whole leaves. 

We, at Irie Fronto do our best to make sure we get rid of MOST these conditions but just like in any store or farmers market, there are natural products and vegetables that make it into the store may have pieces that are less alluring. You'll cut around those pieces, wash them off or dispose of them totally. We do our best to sort through all leaves and those that do not look aesthetically as we would like it to look, we completely take it out, but from time to time, you will experience normal issues such as those stated above.

Any Questions? Contact us.
(844) 732-2525

3760 SIXES RD. SUITE 126-243, CANTON, GEORGIA, 30114